Myspace Comment Bomber
Your friend ID can be found in the url to your profile.

Block your friend ID from the comment & message bombers by entering it here. This will prevent comment/message bombs on your profile.
Note: The code used to make comments undeletable has been filtered out by Myspace. Comments are deletable now.
This is a generator to comment bomb someone's profile with 50 comments instantly. This will only work under the following conditions.
- You are signed into Myspace.
- The person you are bombing is on your friends list.
- If you have any problem, contact me on AIM or email. My contact info is below.
Start a new comment on the victim's profile.
When you get to the following screen, stop.

Right-click the page anywhere and choose the option "View Source". Copy and paste the ENTIRE source, as it appears, into the box below. Hit submit, and it will generate the comment form again. If there is an error, copy and repaste the source. Once the box is generated on this page, everytime you click submit, a new comment will appear. You can do this up to 50 times before Myspace security measures kick-in and you are forced to type out a certain letter in the box to continue.
Paste the source code here: