Online Virus Scanner



  • ClamAV

Last Scan
Scan Execution Time: 60.171
File Size: 32,918 bytes
all_weapon_unlocker_1.1.2.lua: OK
----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Scanned directories: 0
Scanned files: 1
Infected files: 0
Data scanned: 0.06 MB
Data read: 0.03 MB (ratio 1.88:1)
Time: 60.118 sec (1 m 0 s)
Start Date: 2025:03:20 14:18:27
End Date:   2025:03:20 14:19:27

Be sure to encrypt your internet connection to provide security, privacy, and some protection against malicious websites that are trying to install viruses on your computer. Here's how to encrypt your internet connection by ThemeScene


How can I choose a file to scan?
Either upload the file from your computer, or send the url of the file that you need scanned.

What virus scanner is used?

What happens to the files submitted? Will you do anything with my files?
No. Files that are sent are immediately scanned, then deleted. The only thing that is recorded is their MD5 checksum, which is used as a caching feature so that the same file is not scanned twice. Files uploaded here are not currently sent to anti-virus companies.

Where should I report any errors that I find?
Email with the name of the file or action that caused the error. This is still being programmed, so feedback is appreciated.

Is there a file size limit?
40 megabytes for now, that limit may change in the future however.

Why don't you use X scanner?
In order to use a scanner, it has to be free, and run on DragonFlyBSD. If you know of any other scanners that fit those requirements, don't hesitate to suggest them.

Will the scanner scan each file inside a zip?
Yes, in fact this method is recommended for scanning multiple files.

How long does it usually take?
Average time for a file around 1 megabyte using all three scanners is around 60 seconds. The time varies based on file size and server load.

What should I do if I want to check several files without the long wait?
If you want to scan several files at once, you can add them to one zip file and scan the zip file. This is an extremely faster method than sending each file individually.

What should I do if I already have a virus?
You should read the guide at, which will give you the instructions you need to scan and remove viruses.