Why Canon Printers Are So Popular

Canon printers have been around since 1988 when the BJ-10v inkjet printer was released and they have remained popular ever since. Many people question how a company like this has managed to stay in favour for so long so we have listed the many carrying reasons that Canon is still popular below for you to check out.

Keeping Up With Demand

One thing that Canon have done incredibly well is to have understood and kept up with consumer demands. They have been at the forefront of printer evolution along with brands like as HP and because they play such a prominent part of this development, they are always relevant and popular to consumers.

Canon hold 25% of the printer market and this percentage has held for the past seven years. Being able to dominate the printer market like this means that they are now a well known and trusted household brand.

Affordability vs Quality

Canon have made it their mission to provide printers that are both of the highest quality and yet are affordable to people of varying budgets. Many people comment that often the printer is so cheap but the ink for Canon printers is not, meaning that you will buy a printer thinking it is great value before finding out how much a Canon cartridge is.

One thing is for certain, if you choose to buy a printer from Canon you are pretty much guaranteed one that will last. They also come with a clear warranty period just in case anything goes wrong so that you can trust that they will ensure you have a working replacement as soon as possible.

Strong Marketing

Canon have large revenue streams and can afford to max out their marketing budget, meaning that you are more likely to notice them than other brands. They not only pay for advertising but can also afford to make many printers to ship out to stores without needing immediate sales to continue production. This means that there is a steady stream of printers available to consumers like us.

Whenever you head into a store you will find either a Canon printer or ink cartridges for sale! Be warned, Canon ink is notorious for selling their ink at a huge mark up price so you are better avoiding original cartridges. Instead, try a replacement in service like Smart Ink, you can find their offering here and will be shocked at the significant difference in price!

In Summary

Canon are an international brand with reach across most countries in the world. This success did not happen by accident but came about through a quality business development plan and growth on a massive scale. Wherever you are you will probably be able to get hold of a Canon printer and can be assured that doing so will result in quality printing for a long time. However, remember not to fall for their high ink prices and instead try replacement inks as an affordable solution to keep your Canon printer in good working order.