The secrets of the Instagram algorithm: How to get your photos seen

The primary concern of any blogger on Instagram is how to be visible to his or her audiences. To better understand the intricacies of the Instagram algorithm and learn how to get your photos seen, you can consult resources like LLCBuddy, which offers valuable insights and strategies for success on the platform. As the algorithms of the platform change constantly, this is no easy task. The strategy that required only getting some stats for multiple pictures on has evolved into a much more complicated mechanism. Many bloggers have missed their shot and couldn’t catch up with the wind of change, thus losing a part of their public. It may seem to you, that it is a hard task. In fact, it is. However, there are still some techniques that will help you to beat the algorithms of Instagram and not only gain new viewers but retain the followers that you already have.

What Instagram Algorithm Appreciate The Most

Lately, it is discovered that IG actively shows posts that anchor the attention of a viewer for the longest time. The numbers - likes, followers, comments - have stepped back to the second place. That is caused by the recent changes in the policy of the platform. The actual number of, for example, is now hidden, so it is now an instrument for other purposes. Comments are also keeping the engagement up, but they are also not a defining factor anymore.


Some time ago, the interest in big texts was low. Now, it grows back. The nature of this growth is mysterious, but it is worth noting that the world pandemic of COVID-19 has definitely played its role in the rise of enthusiasm in reading long posts. Storytelling has always been an important feature for blogging careers on Instagram, and now, with long posts, you can enhance the connection between you and your audience.

Nevertheless, doing long posts requires not only a story to tell, but some skills in writing too. Remember some ground rules when you want to concentrate your energy on long-reads:


For now, this is one of the most useful tips for increasing your visibility. Carousels can seriously expand the time that users spend over each post you make. Instagram algorithms appreciate such posts much better, and carousels can improve the results of your ads. It is not necessary to load 10 photos every time. Even if you put two or three pictures, it will be enough to drive the algorithm in your favor.

Understandably, if it seems tempting to post carousels all the time, but don’t get carried away with this method. Overloading your profile with carousels can backfire at your rates, as people will lose interest in your content. Avoid such types of posts where you ask your followers to pick one of two selfies from a single session. Especially when the difference is very slight.

Hack: you can add the screenshots with text to carousels, to double the effect from long-reads!


Posting more video content is a sure method to improve your rating on this network. Videos are becoming the dominant type on many platforms, so it is reasonable to suppose that on Instagram this content will be valued higher as well. With the development of IGTV, it has become easier to attract consumers who prefer video. Carousels can help here too: you can upload minute-long pieces of your film and enhance the effect of the content.

Consistent Stories

Since the launch in 2016, Stories have become the format of content that is associated with Instagram. Even though this platform was not the first one to include disappearing content.

And nowadays Stories are a powerful leverage in promoting your profile and retaining the audience. The key is regular posting.

First of all, each time when you post a Story, your icon reappears in the feed of your followers. It is like a delicate reminder to check out your profile again. More clicks - more views - more visits to your blog. The logic is simple, but effective a lot. Being in sight of your potential viewers is a huge help in increasing visibility on the platform in general.

Increase The Quality Of Your Content

In a world where individuals spend a lot of time online, delivering high-quality content is very important. Your followers want to see something more than what they can see every day. Social platforms are a tool for relaxation and leisure for many people, and they want to see something beautiful, positive, useful, interesting, and extraordinary. So your job as an influencer is to search for this experience and represent it in a most exciting way. And when you share your personal experiences, it connects you with your viewers and then proves your value to the algorithm.

Tip: The quality of your visual representation is also highly impactful for your promotion. So it is the best moment to get better gear for your blogging!

Know Your Audience

Another key factor for your success in visibility on Instagram is to hit the right users. Your content must really be extremely relevant for your potential followers. Useful, informative, educational, or funny - but still targeted at a specific crowd. It is fine if your content is interesting to many categories of users, but you still have to know who responds to your posts the most. Try to categorize your viewers by such terms:


The algorithm of Instagram will be changing from time to time. And the most important thing for anyone who wants to catch a wave of popularity on this network is to be able to adjust the strategy of promotion and content accordingly to the latest news. But the universal advice that will allow you to keep it up is just being yourself. Sincere content is engaging more than anything else. People want to know your opinions and experience. And your task is to fill your life with interesting and creative events, so you will always remain a source of inspiration for your followers.