Myspace Surveys
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99 Questions 1. Full Name: 2. Nick name: 3. Birthday: 4. Place of Birth: 5. Zodiac Sign: 6. Male or Female: 7. Grade: 8. School: 9. Occupation: 10. Location: 11. Screen Names: 12. Hair Color: 13. Hair Long or Short: 14. Eye Color: 16. Height: 18. Shoe Size: 20. Glasses: 21. Piercings: 22. Tattoos: 23. Righty or Lefty: YOUR FIRSTS 24. First celebrity crush: 25. First B.F/ G.F: 26. First best friend: 27. First Award: 28. First Sport You joined: 29. First Pet: 30. First Vacation: 31. First Concert: 32. First Love: FAVORITES 33. Movie: 34. TV Show: 35. Color: 36. Band: 37. Song: 38. Food: 39. Drink: 40. Candy: 41. Sport To Play: 42. Sport To Watch: 43. Brand Of Clothing: 44. Store: 45. School Subject: 46. Animal: 47. Book: CURRENTLY 49. Eating: 50. Drinking: 51. Typing to on IM: 52. Online: 53. Listening To: 54. Thinking About: 55. Wanting To: 56. Watching: 57. Wearing: 58. Want Kids: 59. Want to Get married: 60. Careers in Mind: WHICH iS BETTER WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX 67. Cute or Sexy: 68. Lips or Eyes: 69. Hugs or Kisses: 70. Short or Tall: 71. Easygoing or serious: 72. Romantic or Spontaneous: 73. Fatty or Skinny: 74. Sensitive or Loud: 75. Hook-up or Relationship: 76. Sweet or Caring: 77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One: HAVE YOU EVER 78. Kissed a Stranger: 79. Drank Alcohol: 80. Smoked: 81. Ran Away From Home: 82. Broken a Bone: 83. Got an X-ray: 84. Broke Up With Someone: 85. Broken Someone's Heart: 86. Turned Someone Down: 87. Cried When Someone Died: 88. Cried At School: DO YOU BELIEVE IN 89. God: 90. Miracles: 91. Love At First Sight: 92. Ghosts: 93. Aliens: 94. Soul Mates: 95. Heaven: 96. Hell: 97. Cheating: 99. Horoscopes: